Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Companies
See Our Recent Updates
Under this tab, we'll try to keep track of important system updates so you make use of all of our newest features.
Why Should I Use LEO Network?
LEO Network is not only the largest police training calendar in North America, but its also the easiest to use for both students and companies. We provide numerous free services that either can't be found anywhere else, or have fees to use.. But, we give them away for free. We want to grow with you and build relationships along the way.
Some of these free features include:
- Advertising your training events on our web training calendar.
- We send your training events to thousands of email subscribers for free. We send events out by state, so email subscribers don't get burnt out of receiving training notifications for events that aren't near them.
- Post a host request to a specific state and will post it on our calendar and add it to the email for subscribers of that state
- Send us your certificate template and will build it in to our system so you can dynamically create and email hundreds of certificates in seconds, saving you hours of valuable time.
- We'll take digital reviews for you and combine them into one file for download.
We want to build relationships with as many police related training, equipment, information and first responder mental health organizations as possible.
What Makes LEO Network Better Than Other Training Calendars?
There is absolutely no comparison! We have more reach, more features, no cost and we are growing extremely fast!
Here's the facts:
- We are by far the largest police training calendar in North America.
- Thousands of police officers each month use our calendar to find upcoming training near them.
- Our calendar is optimized for mobile devices and desktops making us very user friendly.
- We have several free features designed to save you time and money.
- Through the partnerships we are constantly building with other organizations, our rate of growth is exponential.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a one stop shop for police training. By providing a free and easy to use platform, we take the cost out of advertising training. We strive to build partnerships with law enforcement entities of all kinds. By doing this, we are hoping to help entities team up through our platform and help each other grow. Our motto? Lets work together and help each other.
Paid Advertising
You can pay for extra exposure, but we have a better idea. Bring your students here to leave reviews of your excellent training and we'll give classes that receive excellent reviews extra exposure at no cost. We want to elevate the quality of trainign nationwide and thank those who support us and put out quality training.
Instructor Awards & Recognition
Check out the award winnning classes page. We promote classes based on excellent student reviews. As instructors reeach milestones, they'll not only receive extra exposure but public recognition.
No bias here, all awards are given based on what really matters. Student feedback!
How Our User Email Subscriptions Work
We have a training bulletin like no one else. Each user can subscribe to our training emails by the states relevant to them, so all the irrelevant trianing is filtered out automatically. Users also get to choose the frequency training emails are sent to them. If they want them every two weeks, once a month, or every two months, we will only send them emails according to their selections.
For example, if a California user subscribes, they can pick updates for the states of they consider relevant to them. One California user may choose California, Nevada and Arizona, and another may choose California and Oregon. Each user would only receive training in the states they selected.
Our goal is to take all the friction and time out of finding training. When users subscirbe, all upcoming training and events in their chosen states go to the users. By keeping all information relevant to the user, they are more likely to open the emails as they always contain relevant information.
What Kind Of Events Can I Post On LEO Network?
You can post any events that are designed for law enforcement, sworn or non-sworn. You can post fundraisers, non-profit events, for profit events, training events, webinars, online classes, conferences and more!
LEO Network Generated Event Certificates (Free)
LEO Network will generate course certificates for your organization for free! We can use your existing template and color scheme so they will match what you are currently issuing. There is no limit to the amount of certificates we can generate. We do handle several conferences and dozens of training organizations. Save your organization hours upon hours by using our free system. You can dynamically generate and email 1000 certificates in just a few minutes.
How Does It Work?
Use the QR code in your company profile to instruct students to leave reviews of your event on our platform. We obtain their name and email address from the review. Any time after the event, log into your account and go to your event. Click 'Generate Certificates' and follow the prompts.
- The certificates are available to download forever, you'll never have to recreate a lost certificate.
How Do Students Get The Certificate?
Students will receive a notification email from LEO Network informing them their certificate is ready and include a link to download it. Due to strict email security protocols at some police departments,
students do not need the email to access the certificate. Any student, at any time, can go to the bottom of any page on our website and click 'MY CERTIFICATES' to download their certificates.
Student Review System (Free)
LEO Network has a built in course review feature. When you use this feature, you give us the ability to dynamically generate and email all the course certificates in less than two minutes.
Benefits of using our review system
- We automatically create a social media ready image file of your favorite reviews so post straight to your social media accounts.
- We will advertise your favorite reviews all over our website and occassionally on our social media accounts.
- Click 'DOWNLOAD FILE OF REVIEWS' and you can download and save all course reviews in one single file locally.
- Give potential students confidence in attending your training by using our non-bias 3rd party system to collect reviews.
Spotlight your best reviews
- By spotlighting your best reviews, they autoamtically get shown all over our website.
- The SPOTLIGHT REVIEWS button on your profile will show how many spotlights you have remaining and how many times your spotlighted reviews have been displayed on our website.
Unassigned Reviews
If students choose to use the generic review option, it won't be assigned to any specific event. Assign these reveiws to a specific event by selecting the event for the reivew and submitting the form.
Private Comments
In an attempt to get students to give the best constructive feedback possible, they have an annonymous comments field on our review form. This comments are posted to your account under 'Private Comments'. You can not see who left these comments.
Recent Reviews
Review the last 150 reviews conveniently in one location from your main menu.
Import A Student Roster (Free)
You can import a CSV file with student information to create your certificates. The file must be in CSV format. Row 1 of the file is the header row and will not be imported. The columns need to be in this order, first name, last name, state and email address.
Adding An Event
To add classes, use the 'ADD EVENTS' button. You will be offered three options. Short form, long form, and On Demand.
Short Form
In short form, you will be required to create a profile for the event you are going to add. This is used for recurring events to save you time. Once a profile is created, you can quickly add classes be entering the date, month, city and state.
The information from the profile you created will be automatically populated into the rest of the form. If you need to change any details before adding the event, you will be able to do so. This will allow customization if necessary.
Long Form
In the long form, you will be required to fill in all event details each time. We recommend you use this method for events that you don't hold regularly.
Short Form and Long Form may also be used to add online events that have a specific date and time.
On Demand
Enter the class details for cotinuously available online events that are not occuring at a specific date and time.
Editing Events
Go to 'Upcoming Events' and click 'Edit Event' to change details of your event.
Uploading A Flyer (Free)
Uploading a flyer allows students to quickly access it to submit to management for approval.
Deleting An Event
To delete an event, go to the event you want to delete and click 'Manage Event'. Then click 'CANCEL EVENT'. Deleted/cancelled events are not visiible on the public calendar.
LEO Network QR Code For My Company (Free)
Each company registered on LEO Network is automatically provided a QR code. This QR Code links students directly to your company profile on our webiste.
From your profile they can leave a review, view your company information, classes, reviews, website link and more.
We highly recommend you place this QR code in your class presentation so students can scan it with their smartphone camera approximately 10 minutes before the end of each class and have time to complete their review.
Please verify your QR code functions properly before initial use to ensure there are no issues.
Hosting Request (Free)
You may post several host requests to our system. Host requests will be posted at the top of the training calendar for the state selected and it will be included to the email subscribers for that state.
Managing Events
You can manage your events from your profile after logging in.
Export Student Info
More details coming soon.
Check Link Destination
More details coming soon.
Upgrade Your Free Company Account To A Silver Or Gold Account
We are building a detailed information page for this system. It will be available soon.
LEO Network's All Inclusive Premium Registration And Invoice System (Paid)
Setting A Custom Profile Link (Free)
You can create a unqie shortcut to your company profile on LEO Network. If my company name is ABC Training Company, and I create the shortcut ABC, the full link to access my company profile would be, or
IMPORTANT NOTE: The custom link after the "/" is case sensitive. In other words, ABC, abc, aBc, ABc, and abC would all open different pages!
Upload A Logo (Free)
Login to your company management page. Open ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Click the UPLOAD LOGO button. Upload a PNG, JPG, or JPEG file. This logo will appear on our calendar next to your classes.
Sponsoring a State or Category (Paid)
If your organization would like to sponsor a category or state on our training calendar, your company information will be listed at the top of calendar for the selected state or category for a reasonable recurring monthly fee. Email us at for more information.
Admin Accounts
You can grant instructors and other users access to your company profile. They will have full access to your account.
Add Another User
- Instruct the user go to the company login page, click CREATE ASSOCIATE ACCOUNT and complete the registration form.
- You must approve the associate account. To do this, login to your account and go to the ADMIN ACCOUNTS page.
- Click APPROVE USER next to the users name under PENDING APPROVAL
Remove An Approved User
If need to remove an approved account, click REMOVE ACCOUNT next to the users name under APPROVED ACCOUNTS
Reinstate A Removed User
If need to reinstate a previously approved account, click REINSTATE ACCOUNT next to the users name under REMOVED ACCOUNTS.