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SWLE Project

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The Social Work and Law Enforcement (SWLE) Project is a multidisciplinary working group of police officers, social workers, scholars, and professors who are all working together to advance the field of Police Social Work. Since its inception in 2020, the SWLE Project has worked with and trained hundreds of police officers, social workers, and social work students across the nation. The SWLE Project works with police departments and social work programs to advance the ethical and effective integration of social work services into law enforcement agencies by preparing social workers and social work students to assume roles in the field of police social work through education, training, and research. To date, the SWLE Project has contributed within this field by disseminating articles to the FBI Insighter magazine and the Journal for Social Work Education, as well as a chapter in the book, Stabilization Approaches Used to Empower Clients Through Mental Health Crisis, providing legislative testimony, conducting webinars and seminars at leading universities, and providing our signature training, the Police Social Work Academy, held annually at the Connecticut Police Academy. In May 2024, the SWLE Project will be hosting the Third Annual National Police Social Work Conference, which will be held in New Haven, Connecticut. The SWLE Project has supported Internship programs in collaboration with police departments and Universities in Connecticut, New York, and Alabama, to date. The SWLE Associates, LLC was developed to provided consulting, training, research, and policy development to institutions seeking assistance with developing their social work and law enforcement programs. Fees vary depending on request and specialized needs.

Established in 2020


674 Prospect Avenue
Hartford, CT 6105

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