Police Training in Wyoming


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Crime Scene Investigation Case Law by Blue to Gold
Advanced Criminal Investigations by Blue to Gold
Advanced Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
Bulletproof Report Writing by Blue to Gold
Duty to Intervene by Blue to Gold
Interview & Interrogation Case Law by Blue to Gold
Mastering Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold

De-escalation Principles & Practice

Available to host any time throughout the year, our De-escalation: Principles & Practice is a 16-hour. Minimum participation registration for classes is 10 with a maximum of 20. No cost to agencies, we come to you.
Posted By: National De-escalation Training Center

Basic Detective Course

Designed for new or aspiring Detectives and Investigators. Inc. crime scene preservation & processing, forensic evidence, use of tools such as GPS and cell phone data, search warrant and legal process preparation. Includes practical exercises.
Posted By: Gold Shield Solutions LLC

Advanced Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoSep 25, 8 hours - Thermopolis, WY


Crime Scene Investigation Case Law by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoSep 26, 4 hours - Thermopolis, WY


Duty to Intervene by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoSep 26, 4 hours - Thermopolis, WY


Interview & Interrogation Case Law by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoSep 27, 8 hours - Thermopolis, WY


Mastering Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoNov 12, 8 hours - Jackson, WY


Advanced Criminal Investigations by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoNov 13, 8 hours - Jackson, WY


Bulletproof Report Writing by Blue to Gold
Gold Shield Solutions LLC company logoNov 14, 8 hours - Jackson, WY


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