Intro to Narcotic Investigations

Great course! Very informative, definitely one of the top classes I’ve attened
Patricio - Southlake, TX

Great class, highly informative and engaging. Looking forward to taking more!
Nicole - Southlake, TX

This course material is what all police trainings should be. There is enough power point material to learn, enough examples to understand the learning, and then applicable scenarios that allow students to practice what we learned. This isn’t just some class to take to burn through hours, it is actual quality training and I plan on signing up for more from BS Narcotics
Austin - Southlake, TX

Definitely recommend this couse no matter your experience
Wayne - Southlake, TX

Awesome instructions and material! Scenario based classes always intrigue me because it’s hand on that helps me retain information and understand it.
Erik - Southlake, TX

Great clas
Kenny - Southlake, TX

Intro to Narcotic Investigations
 company logoNov 4-5, 16 hours - Ft Worth, TX


Intro to Narcotic Investigations
 company logoJan 6-7, 16 hours - Burnet, TX


Intro to Narcotic Investigations
 company logoJan 13-14, 16 hours - Golden, CO


Intro to Narcotic Investigations
 company logoJan 21-22, 16 hours - Marana, AZ


Intro to Narcotic Investigations
 company logoFeb 17-18, 16 hours - Lubbock, TX
