Case Law for Cops: Report Writing

Great instruction that gives you information to supplement your reports. Opens your eyes a lot to what should be included and what could make or break a case .
Nicolas - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Entertaining and informative.
Manuel - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Instructors have knowledge of the topick
Christopher - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Very informative and well taught
Leo - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Great class, entertaining and knowledgeable.
Tyler - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Very good and knowledgeable instructors. They make the class fun and engaging
Jorge - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Great course looking forward to case law
Angelo - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

This was a great class and I would highly recommend to my colleagues. Great experience from the instructors that really help to make the class.
Brianna - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Great and informative
Kevin - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

Very knowledgeable
Ali - Bergen County Police Academy, NJ

100% of students recommend this course.

No upcoming classes for that class title.