Available titles in Search & Seizure

Advanced Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
Bulletproof Report Writing by Blue to Gold
by Blue to Gold
Mastering Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
2024 Search & Seizure, Miranda & Case Law Update
21st Century Narcotics Investigations by Blue to Gold
Advanced Criminal Investigations by Blue to Gold
Advanced Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
Advanced Search Warrants by Blue to Gold
Advanced Traffic Stops by Blue to Gold
Beyond Words: Practical Interview Skills for Law Enforcement by Blue to Gold
Bulletproof Report Writing by Blue to Gold
Case Law for Cops: Legal Update - Pleasantville In-Service
Certified Search & Seizure Instructor by Blue to Gold
CSI Case Law by Blue to Gold
Dissecting Search & Seizure
Dominating the Traffic Stop (Where the 4th amendment and Officer Safety Merge)
Duty to Intervene by Blue to Gold
Emerging Legal Trends by Blue to Gold
Eye Spy, What? Assembling Search Warrants for Detention Facilities
Georgia Case Law That All Cops Need To Know
Investigative Field Interviewing: Strategies for Patrol Officers by Blue to Gold
K9 Case Law by Blue to Gold
Mastering Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold
Mastering Search and Seizure by Blue to Gold
NJ Legal Update: Search & Seizure, Miranda, Case Law
Pursuing Advanced DUI Investigation by Blue to Gold
Response to Resistance: The Legal Realities of Use of Force in Modern Policing by Blue to Gold
Search & Seizure Workshop by Blue to Gold
Search Warrants
Search Warrants & Miranda
Seconds For Survival by Blue to Gold
The Ultimate K9 Handler
The Ultimate K9 Handler by Blue to Gold
Wisconsin Case Law That All Cops Need to Know