Available titles in Crime Prevention

A Multidisciplinary Approach at Addressing the Intersection of Criminal Justice and Health
More Out-of-the-Box Ideas for Community Engagement
Anti-Human Trafficking Awareness Training
Criminal Investigation Analysis- Ten Filters of Profiling:
Criminal Thinking: An Overview of Identifying Drivers and Interventions
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention
Mastering Proactive Policing for Patrol
Mastering Proactive Policing for Patrol by Blue to Gold
Narcotics 101: The Foundations of a Successful Investigation
Prostitution Operations
Response to Resistance: The Legal Realities of Use of Force in Modern Policing by Blue to Gold
Retail Recon – Mastering Retail Crime Investigations by Blue to Gold
Retail Recon – Mastering Retail Crime Investigations for Patrol by Blue to Gold
School Shooters and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Street Level Policing
Supervising and Managing Protests, Demonstrations
Suspect Behavioral Analysis Interview & Unmasking the Apex Predator
Undercover the Truth: Detecting Lies
Unmasking the Apex Predator: Understanding the Psychology of Sexual Deviants
Using Alternatives to Incarceration and Recognizing the Role of Trauma in Violence Against Animals