Smugglers, Inc.® 2.0

Have instructed along side Shawn and been involved with interdiction over 21 years this was a must have class if you want to be on next level. No matter how much training you have had there is always room to improvement. This class motivated me to get back out there and get after it. Thank you Shawn for great class.
Arcenio - Bernalillo, NM

Valuable information in a great learning environment! Awesome instructor who keep the class involved! Thank you for a great class!
Alissa - Bernalillo, NM

Great class accompanied by great instructors
Jayde - Robstown, TX

Great class very informative with great instructors.
Brandon - Robstown, TX

The class was great and offered different material than the other classes I have been to. There was no bragging portion in this class which was very refreshing.
Alec - Amarillo, TX

Valuable skills to transfer over to working the highway were learned today.
Xavier - Robstown, TX

Good Course. Highly recommend
Jc - Amarillo, TX

Randall - Robstown, TX

Great class.
Bobby - Amarillo, TX

All information was great. This class actually broke down how the cartel works.
Kyle - Robstown, TX

100% of students recommend this course.

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