Property & Evidence Room Custody

Very informative especially for those agencies who do not have SOP’s or policies already in place.
Kristi - Online, NA

Ken Schul is an absolutely fantastic instructor and knowledgeable beyond his years
Robert - Online, NA

Robert - Online, NA

Great information, for all levels of personnel!!
Serina - Online, NA

This zoom was extremely beneficial for me and covered things that we do here with our agency which was nice to hear that we are in the right with things but also learn new ways for the future. I would highly recommend to anyone!
Mikayla - Online, NA

Very informative! Ken is truly a professional!
Eric - Online, NA

Great information.
Brian - Online, NA

Good class for a new person starting to work in the evidence room.
Lorenzo - Online, NA

Very good!! I feel like I can go back to my EPR with a better lense for recognizing and prioritizing areas for improvement.
Jordan - Online, NA

89% of students recommend this course.

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