OCPA Lakewood - Patrol Response: Patrol Response to Critical Incidents

Good course for Patrol officers/junior sgts
Christopher - Lakewood, NJ

Very informative and to the point.
Jillian - Lakewood, NJ

Great hands on group work that made the class more engaging.
Cj - Lakewood, NJ

Informative course
Caitlyn - Lakewood, NJ

Going through examples of houses and buildings, learning different perspectives of where to set up a team.
Nicholas - Lakewood, NJ

Great presenter
Krzysztof - Lakewood, NJ

Sergio - Lakewood, NJ

Great course for all patrol and patrol supervisors. Good basis of information
Jack - Lakewood, NJ

Informative course with good examples on how the material should be used.
Christopher - Lakewood, NJ

Great course and instructors. Very informative and love the class participation.
Miguel - Lakewood, NJ

100% of students recommend this course.

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