DWI Essentials - Everything you need to know for a DWI

Very good class
Christopher - Morris County Public Safety, NJ

Great teachers
Scott - Passiac County Police Academy, NJ

The course touches on a lot of important material when it comes to DWI as well as completing a well documented report.
Cole - Morris County Public Safety, NJ

Very knowledgeable person instructor who presented the info in an organized and interesting manner
Nicholas - Passiac County Police Academy, NJ

Classes from this company are very informative. Instructors are top tier professionals. 3rd class I’ve taken from this company in the last 6 months, can’t wait for more to come. Very helpful and informative for guys not able to obtain SFST/DRE certifications.
Abdel - Morris County Public Safety, NJ

Great class. Provided detailed information that will assist me with having a strong DWI conviction.
Danny - Passiac County Police Academy, NJ

Extremely knowledgable. Very good course for officers to get further information for DWI investigation skills.
Andrew - Morris County Public Safety, NJ

Great course and knowledge for proactive officers.
Justin - Passiac County Police Academy, NJ

The class well instructed and had good methods. Good guidance and information regarding the topics discussed.
Anthony - Morris County Public Safety, NJ

Course was very informative and digestible for the time period given
Raymon - Passiac County Police Academy, NJ

100% of students recommend this course.

No upcoming classes for that class title.