Case Law for Cops: Legal Update - Barrington PD - In-Service

Good class very informative.
Trey - Barrington, NJ

Good information and not boring, thanks
Theodore - Barrington, NJ

Great case law class for every level of experience.
Kieran - Barrington, NJ

Very knowledgeable, professional and good speaker.
Tirik - Barrington, NJ

Very informative course
T - Barrington, NJ

Loved the class very informative
Megan - Barrington, NJ

Allen is super knowledgeable in material and easy to listen to.
David - Barrington, NJ

Very good class. Good information for patrol, detectives, and admin.
Matt - Barrington, NJ

John - Barrington, NJ

Very informative, great refresher
Matthew - Barrington, NJ

100% of students recommend this course.

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